[Part 1] Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education

Part of two blog posts based on my learnings about ‘ICT in Education’ using ‘E-Learning Series on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education’ available through bangkok.unesco.org.

What is ICT?

ICT refers to a range of electronic tools for sharing, displaying, and exchanging information and for communicating. ICTs and ICTS is same, and singular & plural form refer to same thing. ICT is not just limited to computer and internet, other technologies that are part of ICT are: email, video conference, telephone, satellite system, DVDs, radio, TV, video etc. Internet is powerful tool for education, but it should be used under guidance to avoid access to unnecessary information and guard against scams. Electronic devices are used where internet access is limited. ICT is a very useful teaching tool, but not replacement for teachers.

ICT is effective and efficient management tool that facilitates data collection, processing and reporting. ICTs have become, within a very short time, one of the basic building blocks of modern society and ICT skills are vital in the modern workplace.

Why integrate ICT in education?

1. ICT can make education more accessible by:
  • Improving access to information: Internet, DVDs, videos, e-libraries, maps etc. Increases access to (human) experts, peer & colleagues otherwise unreachable because of geographical barriers.
  • Enabling greater access to education: ICT can reach people whose education has been limited for various reasons, like, social or cultural, political or geographical factors or lack of time. Example, community telecenters – a public place such as library where community members can access various ICT tools.
  • Providing affordable anywhere, anytime learning.
  • Sustaining lifelong learning through online courses, open universities, distance learning.
2. ICT can improve the quality of education by:
  • Improving students motivation using video, sound, animation and simulation.
  • Personalizing student learning by enabling them to learn at their own pace.
  • Enhancing student learning – learn by doing and interacting – learn what they want, opportunity to share ideas, work in groups – build teamwork, communication skills.
  • Giving feedback and reinforcement – through online quizzes – independent learning with feedback & no help from tutors.
  • Enhancing the quality of teaching with various resources and softwares.
  • Improving teacher education.
3. ICT provides efficient management tool:

a] It can be used for improving the efficiency of education planning & delivery:
  • Education statistics at the system and school level using spreadsheet & data management system.
  • Rapid and cost effective creation & distribution of socially, culturally and linguistically appropriate learning content.
  • Delivery of material to remote schools, or to small number of students taking particular subject.
b] It facilitates policy making and management:
  • ICT helps schools, principals and superintendents to monitor performance & improve effective utilization of physical & human resources.
  • It facilitates communication between schools, parents and central decision makers.
  • Education management information system (EMIS): software used to enter, store and retrieve useful data that are fed to educational planners for assessment, monitoring and evaluation of education programs as well as inputs to policy makers for more rational decision making.
What are the challenges in integrating ICT in education?

Stages of integrating ICT into education:

a] Emerging: becoming aware of ICT: beginning to introduce ICT tools and using them to support work.

b] Applying: learning how to use ICT: teachers start using ICT for their teaching and for student learning enhancing traditional teaching.

c] Infusing: understanding how and when to use ICT: teachers integrating and embedding ICT into subjects, in the curriculum facilitating learning.

d] Transforming: specializing in the use of ICT: ICT is used to rethink and renew institutional organizations in creative ways creating innovative learning environments.

Challenges: Capability and Connectivity
  • Infrastructure: electricity, services and technologies.
  • Total cost: devices & supporting equipments, relevant teaching & learning materials, ongoing teacher training, upgrading equipments, maintenance & technical support, connectivity, telephone and internet connection.
  • Technical support: In an event of system breakdown, it is important to have technical support.
  • Professional Development: It is important to provide teacher training. Teachers should be comfortable in using ICT tools.
Challenges: Access, Content and Curriculum
  • Language and culture: Most softwares and information available on the internet is in English.
  • Access & Equity: Digital inclusion, access to all.
  • Teaching and Learning Resources: It should not be the case like providing a set of tools to people without giving them a reason or a way to use them.
  • Curriculum Development.
